Why does my Jaw click?
Why does my Jaw click?

Why does my Jaw click?

Why does my Jaw click?


Jaw clicking or popping is a common occurrence that affects millions of people worldwide. Jaw clicking is caused by the disorder of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ).

Temporomandibular Joint s­erves as a connection between your jaws and the skull as well as muscles on your face enabling you to do the function of talking, chewing and yawning.

Temporomandibular Joint is formed by the mandibular condyle and the temporal bone. The condyle fitting into the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone which produces the articulation.

What causes jaw clicking?

1. Clenching and grinding your teeth

2. Chewing too much of Chewingums

3. Injury or trauma to the jaw as a result of an accident

4. Stress and anxiety

5. Arthritis: Damage to the cartilage of the TMJ resulting in additional pressure on the joint socket whenever the jaw is moved

These actions can wear down the TMJ resulting in a clicking or popping when the jaw is moved in certain directions.

What are the symptoms of jaw clicking?

 Patients with clicking jaw may experience:

1. Teeth grinding

2. Ear pain

3. Dizziness

4. Neck pain

5. Headache especially on walking

The earlier the aboveissues are addressed, one can prevent them from progressing into a more severe problem.

What are the signs of jaw clicking? 

1. Clicking or popping sounds

2. Pain while chewing

3. Difficulty in opening the mouth widely

4. Swelling along sides of the face

5. Jaw locking

Is the jaw clicking permanent? 

According to the National Institute of Craniofacial Research (NICR) most of the times, clicking of the jaw isn’t permanent.

Is it okay if my jaw clicks? 

There is no need to worry if the jaw clicks. However, if the pain is there while chewing or evidence of clenching or grinding habit then it should be evaluated. 

What lifestyle changes would help lessen the jaw clicking? 

1. Eating softer foods

2. Avoid chewing chewingums

3. Avoid certain jaw movements like wide yawning and resting your chin on your hands for long periods of time

4. Focus on not clenching your teeth too much

Clicking or popping of jaw is usually harmless but if it is causing pain or affecting you in some way, it is best to visit an orthodontist to alleviate or fix the problem.

You can schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Seema Bansal for more informantion.


  1. Jaya mishra

    All of us have experienced jaw clicking at some point in life but with no answers
    Now at last a comprehensive list to chose from
    One can also consult an orthodontist for a remedy if it persists
    Interesting blog

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