Teeth Erosion
Teeth Erosion

Teeth Erosion

Teeth Erosion


Dental erosion is different from tooth decay. Tooth decay is caused by acids, produced by bacteria, which directly lead to cavities and other dental problems. Dental erosion on the other hand affects larger areas of the teeth and is due to direct acid exposure from foods, beverages and dental trauma.

What causes tooth erosion?

   i) Consuming sugary, starchy or acidic foods and beverages

   ii) Teeth grinding

   iii) Dry mouth

  iv) Brushing too hard

  v) Genetic disorder like enamel hypoplasia

  vi) Chronic acid reflux

  vii) Bulimia nervosa (which exposes the teeth to stomach acids)

What are the symptoms of tooth erosion?

   i) Tooth sensitivity

   ii) Tooth discoloration

   iii) Chipped teeth

   iv) Pitting on the teeth surfaces

What are complications of tooth erosion?

Tooth erosion usually happens slowly over time. If left untreated it can lead to

   i) Rough or jagged edges on the teeth

   ii) Broken or cracked teeth

  iii) Progressive loss of the surface of the teeth

The loss of tooth structure can require complex and lengthy dental treatment.

 How is a tooth erosion diagnosed?

    i) Routine dental examination and dental checkup can diagnose tooth erosion.

    ii) Sometimes the dental X-rays are taken to determine the extent of damage.                        

How to prevent dental erosion?

   i) Dental erosion can be prevented by limiting contact of acids with the tooth.

   ii) Avoid taking water containing lemon (lemonade)

   iii) Eating fruits rather than drinking fruit juices

   iv) Do not chew vitamin C tablets. If necessary, take vitamin C supplements that are swallowed

   v) Use a super soft bristled tooth brush with tooth paste having fluoride

   vi) Wear a dental splint if you grind your teeth at night

   vii) Stay well hydrated as it improves the amount of saliva

The process of dental erosion happens slowly. If you have already lost some enamel there are ways to stop further tooth erosion. Prevention is the key when it comes to tooth erosion since you can not regrow enamel once it is gone, the best rule of thumb is to stop it.

You can schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Seema Bansal for more informantion.


  1. Jaya mishra

    This important information needs to be known to all.in the 40 plus age one starts realising that tooth are losing their mass ,shine,Nd have started chipping .so why not be informed and take care from the beginning.vv useful .

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