Myths and Facts About Dental Problems
Myths and Facts About Dental Problems

Myths and Facts About Dental Problems

Myths and Facts About Dental Problems


Myth:  Removal of tartar loosens the teeth

Fact:  The tartar (hard calcified deposits) covering the teeth causes great harm to the supporting tissue. If tartar is not removed it may cause gums to recede and destroy the supporting bones around the teeth. This will cause mobility and eventual loss of teeth.

Myth:  Flossing can create spaces between the teeth

Fact:  Flossing helps prevent decay between your teeth. Flossing combined with brushing is the only effective way to clean the teeth and prevent cavities as well as inflammation of gums. It is important to learn the correct technique of flossing before you start as the gums can be traumatised by faulty flossing.

Myth:  Removal of teeth affects vision

Fact:  Vision is not affected in any ways by extraction of any tooth.

Myth:  When the gums bleed it's better not to brush

Fact:  Brushing using proper technique is more important during this time. More-over the individual needs to visit the dentist for opinion and advise.

Myth:  No dental treatment during pregnancy

Fact:  Routine dental procedures can be carried out safely during pregnancy without any fear. However major surgical procedures may require medical opinion / advise before treatment. Dental X-rays should be avoided during the pregnancy.

Myth:  I feel uneasy at the time of chewing but not accessing dental treatment as there is no pain in my teeth

Fact:  Nerves which convey the sensation of pain are not present in the outermost covering the tooth that is enamel. So, while the decay is taking place in the enamel you won’t feel any pain but once it has gone beyond the enamel and reaches dentine the nerves begin to send out messages that something is wrong. So, for an early diagnosis of decay a regular dental check-up is required.

Myth:  Teeth will become loose if I get the braces treatment

Fact:  There is no loosening of teeth due to braces treatment. Shifting of the teeth which is the part of the treatment gives the feeling of teeth becoming loose. 

Myth:  Salt and Lemon make the teeth white

Fact:  Salt being an abrasive and lemon has acid, they both damage your tooth enamel. Unfortunately, once the enamel is damaged it is damaged for life.

Myth:  Oral Hygiene is not important for overall health of the body

Fact:  Oral hygiene is important and there is a correlation between good oral hygiene and a healthy body. A mouth with bad oral hygiene having severe tooth decay and periodontal disease (gum problem) is more likely to cause bacteria to go into the bloodstream and cause severe health problems.

Myth: Treatment of irregular teeth should be after all the permanent teeth erupt

Fact:  Treatment carried out at an early age minimises psychological distress which may happen as a result of coping with a full fledged orthodontic treatment later. In general, best time for orthodontic intervention is 9-15 years of age i.e. during the eruption of permanent teeth

You can schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Seema Bansal for more informantion.


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