



If you have trouble opening or closing your mouth or if you are experiencing painful muscle spasms in your jaws, you might have lockjaw. Lockjaw can make eating, swallowing and maintaining oral hygiene difficult which is why it is vital to seek treatment as soon as possible.

What causes lockjaw?

Lockjaw can occur due to numerous causes but the three main ones are

1. Tetanus: Most common reason for lockjaw is tetanus, a bacterial infection that affects the central nervous system. Spores of Clostridium tetani enter the blood stream through cuts and wounds and produce a tetanospasmin toxin that block nerve signals sent from the central nervous system to muscles throughout the body. Mostly in the neck and jaw.

2. Inflammation of the soft tissue: Can occur from too much mouth usage like too much chewing which is called over mastication.

3. TMJ Disorder

Can I get a lockjaw from a small cut?

All wounds other than clean minor cuts are considered tetanus prone. If you get a wound and you haven’t been immunized for tetanus in the last five years, you should plan to immunize as soon as possible. The best treatment against lockjaw is immunization.

What are the first signs of lockjaw?

Lockjaw often begins with mild spasm in the jaw muscles. The spasms can also affect chest, neck, back and abdominal muscles.

Can lockjaw be permanent?

Lockjaw is most often temporary. If it becomes permanent it can be life threatening.

Is lockjaw serious?

Lockjaw is serious as it is characterised by muscle stiffness that usually involves jaw and neck that then progresses and involves other parts of the body.

What is a three-finger test?

You may wish to regularly do the three-finger test to make sure you can open your mouth fully. Insert three fingers vertically in your mouth and if your three fingers fit between the top and bottom front teeth, your mouth opening is considered functional.

Can lockjaw be cured?

Treatment focuses on managing symptoms and complications until the effects of tetanus toxins are resolved.

How can I fix my lockjaw naturally?

Home remedies include warm compresses, staying hydrated, eating food rich in calcium and magnesium, gargling warm salt water, and doing jaw exercises. It is important to consult with an Orthodontist to identify the underlying cause of lockjaw and receive appropriate treatment.

When is too late to get a tetanus shot?

Symptoms of lockjaw may not begin to appear until a week after an injury. So as a rule of thumb try to get the tetanus booster shot within forty-eight hours of the injury.

You can schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Seema Bansal for more informantion.


  1. Amar

    Thanks a lot for this article. Many years ago I had lockjaw and luckily it was addressed on time as my parents reacted real quick and straightaway took me to our dentist. Prior to this article, never knew the probable reasons nor the repercussions. This blog has been an eye opener.

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