Happier Smiles for Grown ups
Happier Smiles for Grown ups

Happier Smiles for Grown ups

Happier Smiles for Grown ups


Braces are no longer just for kids. Beautiful straight teeth are perceived as a social and business asset. They are also easier to chew with and to clean.

Braces can correct some jaw and joint disturbances eliminating uneven bite, teeth grinding, headaches and other problems.

One of my patient’s mothers who always wanted to get her teeth straightened asked me on the second sitting of her daughter’s appointment. ‘Doc, can I get my teeth straightened? I am almost 40  now!”

I told her when considering orthodontic treatment, the patient’s age is relatively unimportant. What an orthodontist considers before starting the treatment is the general health of the gums and the teeth. The social stigma which was there once for the adults having braces has disappeared and with the advancement in technology, new materials make them more comfortable.

The questions which came to her mind were: -

  • Q1. Won’t it be more painful?
  • A1. Little discomfort once in a while but it will not last long.
  • Q2. Will the treatment time be longer?
  • A2. Not necessarily, as it depends on what needs to be done. 
  • Q3. Is it too late to undergo this treatment now?
  • A3. Obviously not.
  • Q4. What would other people think?
  • A4. She had the realization that she would look and feel better with straight teeth. Moreover, her family and friends were supportive. So, I told her what difference it makes as to what other people are thinking about her.

I assured her that more adults are having orthodontic treatment. It will take some time for you to get over your self-consciousness when appearing in public with the appliance.

After all the question and answering sessions, she started the orthodontic treatment.

When the treatment was over, I asked her what had been the biggest challenge that she had faced throughout the treatment process.

  1. Initially stepping out of the house while wearing the braces was not easy but after that, I started enjoying the questioning and looks of other people.
  2. Strangers will stop at the grocery shop, supermarket and parks noticing the braces making me feel uncomfortable sometimes.

One and a half years of treatment time sounds long but time flies.

Now, Dr. Seema, I like my new self-image and I don’t put my hand to cover my mouth while laughing as I used to do. Finally, she said, “Thank you for giving me the confidence and guiding me throughout the treatment, and yes Doc, I wasn’t too late!”



    I am happy to have a dis supportive doctors .
    And very well nature.. and also have a happy services.. which gives me good service.. when ever i get issue .giving good advice and to tackling the situation.. make me positive attitude towards mind set.. as help full natured.

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