Bruxism / Teeth Grinding
Bruxism / Teeth Grinding

Bruxism / Teeth Grinding

Bruxism / Teeth Grinding


Bruxism commonly known as teeth grinding or clenching affects a significantly large population. While it may seem harmless, bruxism can have a profound impact on the teeth and on the overall health.

Bruxism often occurs due to various factors such as:

  a) Misaligned Teeth

  b) Abnormal bite

  c) Stress and Anxiety

Identifying the signs and symptoms of bruxism and seeking appropriate treatment is a must in preventing significant damage. Some common indicators of bruxism are:

a) Jaw Pain and Facial Discomfort: Frequent and persistent jaw pain, facial muscle soreness or discomfort, especially upon waking up.

b) Sleep Disturbances: Bruxism can disrupt sleep patterns leading to unexplained fatigue or excessive day time sleepiness.

c) Tooth sensitivity: Increased tooth sensitivity to hot, cold,or sweet drinks / food due to excessive enamel wear and exposure of underlying dentine.

d) Worn down teeth: Teeth that appear flattened, fractured or having uneven surfaces due to grinding or clenching forces.

e) Gum Recession: Receding gums, exposing more of the tooth root which may cause tooth sensitivity and increases the risk of gum diseases.

f) Headache: Recurring headaches often originating from the temples or the back of the head which maybe caused by excessive jaw muscle tension.

 Who notices teeth grinding or bruxism?

Teeth grinding or clenching is often noticed by a family member.

 Should I worry about Bruxism?

It is important to know the cause of bruxism and seek regular dental check-up. If Bruxism is left untreated it may lead to TMJ (Tempero Mandibular Joint) problems.

 What are the stages of Bruxism?

Mild, moderate and severe.

 How do I know whether I have a severe case of Bruxism?

Severe Bruxism leads to damaged teeth, jaw pain or tenderness and headache.

 Can Bruxism damage the face?

Bruxism is a common condition in which unnecessary grinding and pressing of teeth occurs. Not only does it lead to teeth damage it also changes the shape of face.

You can schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Seema Bansal for more informantion.


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